i'm on tour. with jrc. we are playing in these places:
JULY 20 - w/tba @SLOWTRAIN (221 E Broadway Salt Lake City, Utah) JULY 21 - w/hot parents and your little pony @MUSE MUSIC (151 North University Avenue Provo, Utah) JULY 22 - w/tba @MACY'S COFFEE SHOP (14 South Beaver Street Flagstaff, AZ) JULY 23 - w/fuzztron @THE CATALYST INFO SHOP (109 N. McCormick St. Prescott, AZ) JULY 24 - w/rpm orchestra, wingnut and brodie hubbard @THE FIREHOUSE (1ST ST. AND ROOSEVELT Phoenix, AZ) Here is our tour poster. JULY 15TH - fathers day: w/kitten forever (riot grrl punk), unicorn basement (electronic two piece radness), melted cassettes (nightmare music) and over easy (new tempe 'house show band' featuring james r. from tent city/glochids) @THE TRUNK SPACE - $5 - 8:00PM i really love kitten forever and i want them to have a good show. please come
JULY 16TH - bomb the music industry (SO STOKED!): w/andrew jackson jihad, partners in 818, the cans and someone else? @THE TRUNK SPACE - $6 - 7:00PM so excited about bomb the music industry. everyone else is pretty good too. but i'm mostly just stoked for them JULY 18TH - hi my name is ryan: w/pillowfort and glochids @THE TRUNK SPACE - $6? - 8:00PM every artist performing will do a great job. i promise. if you like being captivated and entertained you should really go. also... its jrc and i's tour kick off and we need money really bad!) JULY 24TH - rpm orchestra cd release show: w/hi my name is ryan, wingnut and pillowfort @THE FIREHOUSE - FREE! - 8:00PM guaranteed crazy JULY 25TH - wasteland fest: w/ -The Tics*** -Bolt!*** -Boogie Nazis*** -Father's Day*** -Regret The Informer -Emperors of Japan -Canyons Rock -The Skinwalkers*** -Bad Antics -Titty Hard On -Guilty Faces -JJCNV*** -Retard Riot -Turd of Hurdle -2 More Dead -ATM -Mustache Gus -The Pods*** -Commodity Of Death -Blisstearing -Exile (He Who Thrashes) -Serows*** @DRY RIVER - $5 - 12:00PM (NOON) (tucson, AZ) all day punk festival. is gaurunteed success! *** = GUARANTEED GOOD TIME! JULY 29TH - 8-bit porno (reunion!) w/realicide (digital hardcore madness and loudness) and treasure mammal (always brings the party bus!) @THE SUN HOUSE - FREE (BRING DONATIONS) - 8:00PM so excited to be destructive again. you have no idea JULY 30TH - harry merry (is insane): w/morgan evans (morgans magic book bus+tim and morgan fame), hug of war (sarcastic acoustic joyrific), the boys (which is me and whoever doing whatever) and kids day (its like old skull only better...honestly) @THE TRUNK SPACE - $6 - 8:00PM this is going to be a weird show for sure! JULY 31ST - halloween in july: w/fathers day, bolt!, the mcdaniels (from LA they are amazing. please don't miss them.), mucilage and one more band @THE TRUNK SPACE - $5 - 8:00PM wear a costume, eat some sweets, dance like a maniac, have fun, embrace one another and enjoy loud music AUGUST 1ST - morgans birthday house show: w/haunted cologne (are polka), ray reeves (is the perfect man), skinwalkers (are the best band ever to come out of phoenix), former friends of young americans (are make-out music), slacker's agenda (are brilliant), the hunger artists (are sad), bangarang (are pop punk) and fathers day (will kick your ass)... maybe more @ROCKY & MORGANS HAUNTED HOUSE - FREE! - 8:00PM house shows and rockys house are so much fun. its a really really small house and there is going to be free food too i believe. including the best guacamole in the world! AUGUST 2ND - codename rocky reunion! (THIS IS NOT A JOKE): w/the bandulus, river city all-stars, liam and the ladies and DJ pharoah crowe @THE TRUNK SPACE - $6 - 8:00PM good ska all night and a freakin coename: rocky reunion! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! spread the word this is going to be crazy!!!!!!!!!!! i am performing in tucson at the hangart gallery on friday july 10th. with stephen steinbrink and foot ox and some other dudes. i thought the boys were going to be able to play because i thought it was a saturday but then tristan booked a bangarang show with kepi ghoulie (which i don't blame him and that's perfectly alright) and then i found out its actually on friday which again doesn't work because haunted cologne is playing at the trunkspace. so now i am going to perform by myself.
but here is the thing... i hate traveling by myself. i really really really want to go with someone. i really dont even care if we know eachother that well, i just need someone to talk to/eat with on the way. so if you want an escape from phoenix for a day or so and want to catch a sweet show for free with me. please let me know. i took saturday off of work so i can stay the night in tucson just in case i have to travel alone. or even if i dont and you want to stay in tucson that is cool too. just send an e-mail to [email protected] or reply to this or call me if you have my number. |
February 2025